domingo, 29 de setembro de 2013

Jesse Ventura Grassroots for President 2016 U.S.A

Jesse Ventura 2016 Petition

Jesse Ventura For President a Grassroots Movement

Jesse Ventura For President a Grassroots Movement

  • Organização política
    Mr. Ventura said in a recent interview with Larry King that he would only run for president if there was a strong grassroots movement in support of him, well I'm hoping that this will be the beginning of that movement.

HomeJesse Ventura 2016 Petition

Foto: Jesse Ventura, former Navy SEAL, pro wrestler, actor, author and Governor of Minnesota is surprisingly more content than he is angry, though, has not lost his fire in the belly. He’s just as fed up with the government as Ron Paul (one of his favorite politicians) and the Occupy Wall Street crowd (which he prefers over the Tea Party).

Do you ever wonder why our Fearless Leaders in Washington are all such bloodthirsty warmongers? Well, Senators who backed military strikes and/or war in Syria got 83 per cent more defense lobby money than those who voted against it, campaign finance numbers show. In fact, on average, a 'yes'-voting senator received 83 per cent more money from defense contractors than one who voted 'no.'

Yes, unless we stop them, our government will have us in another war soon... its just a matter of when.

~ Tom Retterbush


Senators who voted for Syria strike got more defense contractor dough

O governador Jesse Ventura: 2016 Independente movimento popular Presidencial (AJ Mostrar 6/14/13)

Juntando Alex na segunda hora é o ex-governador de Minnesota Jesse Ventura, autor dos livros e DemoCRIPS ReBLOODlicans: No More Gangues no governo, o que expõe como gangues como malucos por controle manipular o sistema de dois partidos de rasgar a Carta de Direitos e americanos silêncio .

Eu poderia repassar esta entrevista neste fim de semana, se você não se importa. E ouviu o show de Alex ontem, ouvindo como eu tenho para os últimos 15 anos. Na verdade GCN está jogando no meu escritório agora. Obrigado por seu apoio na Infowar e ser um membro PPTV.

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